Bert Neville
Clear Channel Communications, San Antonio
"I guess I don't have to tell you how much my folks enjoyed the session and how much we got out of it. We hit the ground running on Monday with renewed vigor. It was just super."
Leadership Development
Performance Development
We all possess the capacity for leadership, but only those who cultivate it will ever become truly effective leaders.
Results Focused Leadership
Leadership is Action, not position. Effective leaders have the ability to distill complex issues into concise, straight-forward statements of what should be done. They possess the understanding to effectively make it happen and to behave in a way that maximizes results.
Each individual is different. Understanding yourself, others and interactions can be the single most important aspect of personal, team or organizational development.
Z/Three uses a portfolio of only the most comprehensive, next-generation psychometric systems available in the marketplace. All assessments and profiles are web-based. Reports provide insight into an individual’s preferences, behavioral tendencies, personal values, motivational drives, communication and management style, and a variety of other key attributes. Anyone committed to improvement will quickly understand their value to a team, blind spots that can create conflicts, and suggestions and strategies for development.
The system is supported by a robust blend of e-learning solutions which can be customized to the individual, team or organization.
Develop your ability to generate RESULTS. Lead through ACTION:
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
Peter F. Drucker
If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully.
Thomas Fuller
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
Dwight Eisenhower
The Key Executive Forum is a comprehensive performance development program that is designed to dramatically improve all aspects of an executive’s leadership and management skills. KEF participants improve leadership skills in a comprehensive on-going program including educational content, business and personal assessments, case studies and peer-to-peer learning.
360 Degree Assessment
A 360-degree assessment is a feedback questionnaire providing information about an individual’s skills and performance. Data is gathered from the individual’s supervisor, peers and direct reports via an online survey. Feedback is provided confidentially and allows the individual to compare their self-evaluation with those of others.
Feedback is an important element in professional and personal development. However, most often individuals only receive feedback from their supervisor. Use of the 360-degree assessment process allows employees to be assessed by those who see their performance from a variety of perspectives. To determine if this process is right for your organization, ask yourself:
- How do you know if your employees have the competencies to execute your plan?
- Do you have a process in place that helps develop individuals into leaders?
- How well does each employee understand his/her value to the team?
- Do your managers feel comfortable giving critical as well as positive feedback?
Z/Three associates and facilitators work collaboratively with organizations to develop the 360-degree assessment with a list of competencies that are customized to each organization. The outcome from this process will be a list of behaviors and skills that are critical to success. This process promotes alignment of individuals’ competencies with the organization’s goals. These competencies form the core of a leadership development program.
360 feedback accelerates individual performance development by providing data on what a person is doing well, as well as areas that require improvement. Staff members can build skills that are focused on the critical competencies the organization requires to succeed.
For most people, it is not enough to simply receive feedback. Follow-up with an experienced coach after data has been analyzed and interpreted accelerates the learning process. A part of this process usually involves the creation of a customized performance development plan that will help the individual leverage their strengths and identify goals and action steps for improvement. The executive coach can then continue to facilitate change and monitor individual and organizational progress.